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Meaning: The Night (Malam)
Surah Number: 92 = 21 Verses   (Revealed at Mecca)   ▪ [92:21]

Wallayli idzaa yaghsyaa
[92:1] I swear by the night when it draws a veil,
[92:1] Demi malam apabila menutupi (cahaya siang),

Wannahaari idzaa tajallaa
[92:2] And the day when it shines in brightness,
[92:2] dan siang apabila terang benderang,

Wamaa khalaqa dzdzakara wal-untsaa
[92:3] And the creating of the male and the female,
[92:3] dan penciptaan laki-laki dan perempuan,

Inna sa'yakum lasyattaa
[92:4] Your striving is most surely (directed to) various (ends).
[92:4] sesungguhnya usaha kamu memang berbeda-beda.

Fa-ammaa man a'thaa wattaqaa
[92:5] Then as for him who gives away and guards (against evil),
[92:5] Adapun orang yang memberikan (hartanya di jalan Allah) dan bertakwa,

Washaddaqa bilhusnaa
[92:6] And accepts the best,
[92:6] dan membenarkan adanya pahala yang terbaik (surga),

Fasanuyassiruhu lilyusraa
[92:7] We will facilitate for him the easy end.
[92:7] maka Kami kelak akan menyiapkan baginya jalan yang mudah.

Wa-ammaa man bakhila wastaghnaa
[92:8] And as for him who is niggardly and considers himself free from need (of Allah),
[92:8] Dan adapun orang-orang yang bakhil dan merasa dirinya cukup,

Wakadzdzaba bilhusnaa
[92:9] And rejects the best,
[92:9] serta mendustakan pahala terbaik,

Fasanuyassiruhu lil'usraa
[92:10] We will facilitate for him the difficult end.
[92:10] maka kelak Kami akan menyiapkan baginya (jalan) yang sukar.

Wamaa yughnii 'anhu maaluhu idzaa taraddaa
[92:11] And his wealth will not avail him when he perishes.
[92:11] Dan hartanya tidak bermanfaat baginya apabila ia telah binasa.

Inna 'alaynaa lalhudaa
[92:12] Surely Ours is it to show the way,
[92:12] Sesungguhnya kewajiban Kamilah memberi petunjuk,

Wa-inna lanaa lal-aakhirata wal-uulaa
[92:13] And most surely Ours is the hereafter and the former.
[92:13] dan sesungguhnya kepunyaan Kamilah akhirat dan dunia.

Fa-andzartukum naaran talazhzhaa
[92:14] Therefore I warn you of the fire that flames:
[92:14] Maka, kami memperingatkan kamu dengan neraka yang menyala-nyala.

Laa yashlaahaa illaa l-asyqaa
[92:15] None shall enter it but the most unhappy,
[92:15] Tidak ada yang masuk ke dalamnya kecuali orang yang paling celaka,

Alladzii kadzdzaba watawallaa
[92:16] Who gives the lie (to the truth) and turns (his) back.
[92:16] yang mendustakan (kebenaran) dan berpaling (dari iman).

Wasayujannabuhaa l-atqaa
[92:17] And away from it shall be kept the one who guards most (against evil),
[92:17] Dan kelak akan dijauhkan orang yang paling takwa dari neraka itu,

Alladzii yu/tii maalahu yatazakkaa
[92:18] Who gives away his wealth, purifying himself
[92:18] yang menafkahkan hartanya (di jalan Allah) untuk membersihkannya,

Wamaa li-ahadin 'indahu min ni'matin tujzaa
[92:19] And no one has with him any boon for which he should be rewarded,
[92:19] padahal tidak ada seseorangpun memberikan suatu nikmat kepadanya yang harus dibalasnya,

Illaa ibtighaa-a wajhi rabbihi l-a'laa
[92:20] Except the seeking of the pleasure of his Lord, the Most High.
[92:20] tetapi (dia memberikan itu semata-mata) karena mencari keridhaan Tuhannya yang Maha TInggi.

Walasawfa yardaa
[92:21] And he shall soon be well-pleased.
[92:21] Dan kelak dia benar-benar mendapat kepuasan.

Page -»   1
There are 21 verses in Surah Al-Lail

Tags: Al-Lail (The Night), Holy Book Alqur, #039;an Karim Indonesian and English, m who gives away and guards (against evil), QS, Al Lail [92] : verse 6 [92:6] And accepts the best, QS, Al Lail [92] : verse 7 [92:7] We will facilitate for him the easy end, QS, Al Lail [92] : verse 8 [92:8] And as for him who is niggardly and considers himself free from need (of Allah), QS, Al Lail [92] : verse 9 [92:9] And rejects the best, QS, Al Lail [92] : verse 10 [92:10] We will facilitate for him the difficult end, QS, Al Lail [92] : verse 11 [92:11] And his wealth will not avail him when he perishes, QS, Al Lail [92] : verse 12 [92:12] Surely Ours is it to show the way, QS, Al Lail [, al quran surah and verses, pts-ptn.net
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